In a Nutshell...
If you are having trouble or errors with email links,
1. Right-Click on the link
2. Select "Copy Email Address" from the drop-down list
3. Paste the Email Address into your email program
If you are having trouble or errors with email links,
1. Right-Click on the link
2. Select "Copy Email Address" from the drop-down list
3. Paste the Email Address into your email program
Email links on eoDance and many other websites are set up to simplify sending an email to the selected person. They may be identified with an email icon (eg, ). say "Email" or just be obvious from their context.
These links are set up to
1. Automatically open your Default Mail Program on your computer and
2. Put the email address directly into the To: field.
If you do not have a Default Mail Program (or Client) set for your computer then you may get an error message from your computer, asking you to set up a Default Mail Program.
Typical Mail Programs include, Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, Thunderbird and many others. You can also set up internet mail programs like Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail to be your Default Mail Program. A browser window will open asking you to log into your email account. However, because of the needed log-in step, the email addres of the link you clicked on can't be inserted automatically. (see next to copy the email address)
When you Right-Click on ANY link, a drop-down menu appears. If the link is a MAIL link. right-clicking on the link will give you the option to "Copy Email Address" to the clipboard for pasting into your email program. If the link is a webpage, one of the options is to "Copy the Link Location" to the clipboard so you can use it elsewhere.
Hovering your mouse over any link will show the link or email address in the Status Area of your browser. Usually this is in the bottom left of the browser window.
For Security reasons, you should always hover over any link or button that you feel could be fraudulent to see where the link it going to take you to. It's very common for Spam email to ask you to verify your email account by logging into it; the name on the link seems OK (like Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail, etc) but check the status area to see what website it will take you to. If it's not to,,, etc, then it's likely a fake look-alike site set up to steal your username and password.