square and round dance in eastern ontario

EOSARDA Visit Dangle Program

The EOSARDA Club Visit Dangle is intended to encourage and recognize visits to other Dance Clubs and participation in any number of other dance events. The club visit program includes visits to clubs outside the area covered by EOSARDA and/or Canada. It is awarded, upon application, to any registered dancer who completes the specific number of visits during a single dance year. (September 1 through August 31) ...

To obtain your dance dangle, complete the required number of visits during a single dance year. No signatures are required. Submit completed application form to dancedangles@eosarda.ca on or before September 30 of the next dance year.

Achievement Levels

Silver Level

To earn a Silver Club Visit Dangle, a dancer must, during a single dance year, undertake 5 "visits"

Gold Level

To earn a Gold Club Visit Dangle, a dancer must, during the course of a single dance year, undertake 8 "visits"