square and round dance in eastern ontario
Updated: February 08 2025

Test your Knowledge with These Quizzes

Dave Hutchinson, a local caller from Marlbank Ontario, created a series of 5 quizzes to keep square dancing active in the minds of our dancers during the intitial COVID-19 pandemic period of 2020. There's something for dancers of all levels from Basic through Advance. We've preserved those original quizzes here and even created interactive versions of them as well where you can enter your answer and verify it directly on the web page -- along with a list of the moves of each level will help refresh your memory.
Try them out here.

Visiting Other Clubs

The best way for any dancer to become stronger is to dance more often -- and visiting other clubs is a great way to do this. A different caller or cuer will present things in slightly different way so you will get to experience a wider variety in dancing.

EOSARDA has a program to encourage you to visit other clubs.

EOSARDA Club Visit Dangle

The EOSARDA Club Visit Dangle is intended to encourage visits to other EOSARDA Member Dance Clubs. It is awarded dancers who complete the 5 (silver) or 8 (gold) club visits during the course of a single dance year (September 1 through August 30). Club visits include:

Have the application form signed and dated each time as proof of your visit and submit the completed application form to any EOSARDA Director or your club president. The form needs to be received by the Club Liason Committee no later than September 30 of the following year.